Is It Safe To Work Out In A Gym During Covid-19?

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Is It Safe To Work Out In A Gym During Covid-19?

Here are some tips to give your members a nudge of confidence. 

The desire and need to exercise doesn’t alter because of a pandemic. What does change is your members’ workout habits, and faith in the place where they used to feel comfortable to exercise. 

In July last year, a survey saw 68% of Americans state that they are much less likely to go back to the gym based on what they know about COVID-19. The good news is that with vaccinations now in full force and rolling out globally; people are increasing their confidence in going back to the gym. 

However, with remote workout your clients’ new normal, they’ve not only become used to doing things on their own terms, but also in their own home. As a gym or fitness business owner, you need to reassure them your gym is a safe and hygienic space to stretch, sweat and socialise. 

Put yourself in the shoes of your gym member. Ask yourself questions they’ll be asking about whether to return, then work out answers that offer positive solutions.

We’ve planned it all out below with a few handy questions and answers. You could use them as inspiration for something to share in your next newsletter. 

What you should do to keep yourself safe

Follow the rules

Keeping yourself safe when returning to the gym is simple. Just follow the rules! How to operate is all laid out for you. Staff will explain what you have to do and give further information on request. There will be out-of-bounds areas, social distancing and new hygiene requirements that may be new to you – stick to them like glue!

Any questions? Just ask! All staff, from receptionists to personal trainers, cleaners to membership consultants will be clued-up on safety procedures for COVID, and ready to share them with you.

Do your bit to keep equipment clean

Staff will of course be cleaning equipment at every eventuality, but after you’ve used it, give it a good rub down. Put your back in to it and you could make it part of your cardio or cool down!

Practice gold standard hygiene

The same rules apply inside the gym as outside. Sanitise, sanitise, sanitise… and wash your hands. The more we all play our part the easier it will be.

Olivia Rhye
Olivia Rhye
Is It Safe To Work Out In A Gym During Covid-19?

Keep your distance

Please obey social distancing when working out. It’s for your own good and for that of others. Some things will have changed when you return to the gym, but your fitness provider will still do the best to ensure your post-COVID workout is just as rewarding as it always was. 

Make the most of your 1.5m space… at least nobody is going to bump into you in Body Combat anymore!

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Try attending off-peak

If the idea of being in a room with too many people is overwhelming, that’s OK… it’s understandable. 

Attend off-peak hours to avoid crowds, or book classes in advance so you can guarantee your secure, safe socially distanced spot.

There are always ways around the issue to get your COVID workout back on track and your health and fitness goals back to where you want them to be. But rest assured your gym or fitness centre is a safe and healthy place to be!

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Is It Safe To Work Out In A Gym During Covid-19?

Here are some tips to give your members a nudge of confidence. 

The desire and need to exercise doesn’t alter because of a pandemic. What does change is your members’ workout habits, and faith in the place where they used to feel comfortable to exercise. 

In July last year, a survey saw 68% of Americans state that they are much less likely to go back to the gym based on what they know about COVID-19. The good news is that with vaccinations now in full force and rolling out globally; people are increasing their confidence in going back to the gym. 

However, with remote workout your clients’ new normal, they’ve not only become used to doing things on their own terms, but also in their own home. As a gym or fitness business owner, you need to reassure them your gym is a safe and hygienic space to stretch, sweat and socialise. 

Put yourself in the shoes of your gym member. Ask yourself questions they’ll be asking about whether to return, then work out answers that offer positive solutions.

We’ve planned it all out below with a few handy questions and answers. You could use them as inspiration for something to share in your next newsletter. 

Is it safe to return to the gym? 

If the government has opened gyms in your area, they’re safe to attend.

With official rules and regulations as a guide, your gym will be adhering to a strict protocol, which they must follow to the letter.

No doubt you’ll be cautious to return, but rest assured, your safety is front of mind and every opportunity will be taken to keep you safe.

You’re in safe, strong and clean hands – gym owners are health professionals! And the best thing you can do to relieve stress is to work out. Remember, exercise is a mental health workout, as well as a physical one. 

We’re doing everything in our power to operate responsibly and are guided by official government health advice. If you’re still feeling anxious, our tips below should reassure you with industry-approved advice.

What you should do to keep yourself safe

Follow the rules

Keeping yourself safe when returning to the gym is simple. Just follow the rules! How to operate is all laid out for you. Staff will explain what you have to do and give further information on request. There will be out-of-bounds areas, social distancing and new hygiene requirements that may be new to you – stick to them like glue!

Any questions? Just ask! All staff, from receptionists to personal trainers, cleaners to membership consultants will be clued-up on safety procedures for COVID, and ready to share them with you.

Do your bit to keep equipment clean

Staff will of course be cleaning equipment at every eventuality, but after you’ve used it, give it a good rub down. Put your back in to it and you could make it part of your cardio or cool down!

Practice gold standard hygiene

The same rules apply inside the gym as outside. Sanitise, sanitise, sanitise… and wash your hands. The more we all play our part the easier it will be.

Keep your distance

Please obey social distancing when working out. It’s for your own good and for that of others. Some things will have changed when you return to the gym, but your fitness provider will still do the best to ensure your post-COVID workout is just as rewarding as it always was. 

Make the most of your 1.5m space… at least nobody is going to bump into you in Body Combat anymore!

Try attending off-peak

If the idea of being in a room with too many people is overwhelming, that’s OK… it’s understandable. 

Attend off-peak hours to avoid crowds, or book classes in advance so you can guarantee your secure, safe socially distanced spot.

There are always ways around the issue to get your COVID workout back on track and your health and fitness goals back to where you want them to be. But rest assured your gym or fitness centre is a safe and healthy place to be!


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